The Morning Check

The Morning Check

Our patient, Jane, wakes up and swipes to check how she did yesterday.

The Hectic Commute

The Hectic Commute

Running late for work, Jane forgets to take nCase® with her. nCase® automatically alerts her before she leaves via smartwatch and phone notifications. She quickly fetches nCase from inside and heads to work.

Lunch Time

Lunch Time

Jane goes to lunch and puts her aligners inside nCase®. nCase® starts tracking the non-compliance and will alert her later if she forgets to wear them.

The Forgotten Case

Lunch Time

Oh no! Jane was distracted when leaving the restaurant and left nCase® behind. nCase® sent an alert via phone and smartwatch notifications to warn her, but she didn’t notice them. All is not lost, nCase can still help fix this.

The Save

The Save

Jane is back at work and she realizes she doesn’t know where her nCase® SmartCase is. Thankfully she can see on a map where her nCase® SmartCase was left & go back for it. No more lost aligners and delayed treatment.

Dinner Time

Dinner Time

It is time for dinner so Jane takes her aligners out & places them in nCase® SmartCase. nCase® starts tracking the non-compliance and will alert her later if she forgets to wear them.

The Reminder

The Reminder

Jane is enjoying her evening & has forgotten to wear her aligners after dinner. Thankfully nCase® is tracking her non-compliance & reminds her to wear her aligners.